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Global Initiatives Grant

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In order to be able to resume this form later, please enter your email and choose a password.

Password must contain the following:
  • 12 Characters
  • 1 Uppercase letter
  • 1 Lowercase letter
  • 1 Number
  • 1 Special character
Hidden Prefill

Please verify that you, the individual filling out this application, are the Primary Contact for this application.


Contact the Primary Applicant to submit this application. 
The email used to submit this application MUST match the Primary Contact Information in the application, or your application will not be accepted for review. 

STOP NOW. The Primary Applicant for the Global Initiative Grant must hold a Doctorate or Equivalent at the time of application.

You are not eligible to apply for funding under this program.

STOP NOW. The Global Initiative Grant is only available to small, one-time projects not eligible for other Wenner-Gren funding consideration.

Projects eligible for other Wenner-Gren funding consideration cannot apply for Global Initiatives Grants.
Thanks so much for applying to Wenner-Gren. Please help us do a better job of selecting reviewers for your project by providing us with some information about yourself and your research interests. We’ll also be asking you for some confidential demographic information. This section, which is voluntary, will help us in our efforts to support anthropologists from diverse backgrounds and scholarly traditions. 

Applicant Details

Please Enter Your Legal Name

In order to approve your application for funding, U.S. law requires us to collect the following information.


Academic Background

Please tell us about your education.

Co-Applicant 1 Details

Co-Applicant 2 Details

Initial Information

25 words or less (255 character maximum)

Please enter a whole number here without any commas or decimals: eg. 20000



please keep response to 200 words

Funding and Grants

(max 255 characters)

please keep response to 200 words


Please help us identify your project by subfield and research area.

Longform Questions

please keep response to 1000 words

please keep response to 1000 words

please keep response to 500 words

please keep response to 1000 words

please keep response to 500 words

please keep response to 500 words

Personal Information (optional)

In an effort to promote greater equity in funding, we would like to collect some confidential demographic information about you. We will not be sharing any of these additional details with our reviewers.  We will remove any identifiers and analyze this data in the aggregate.  This section of the application is entirely optional.  Your answers to these questions will have no bearing on the success of your application.

Submit your documents as PDFs. Individual file size maximum: 25 MB.

A Global Initiatives Grant Application Budget Form must be completed as part of the official application. Please convert your proposed budget to PDF format, then upload it below.

Please upload curriculum vitae for the applicant and each co-applicant (if available).
Add up to 2 additional Co-applicant CVs (up to 25 MB)

Please note:

When you click Submit, please wait until you receive confirmation of successful submission before you close this window.