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Dissertation Fieldwork Grant

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Password must contain the following:
  • 12 Characters
  • 1 Uppercase letter
  • 1 Lowercase letter
  • 1 Number
  • 1 Special character

Please note: the individual filling out this application must be the official applicant.


Funding for the current application season is limited to projects starting between January 1 and June 30, 2026.

STOP NOW. The Primary Applicant for the Dissertation Fieldwork Grant must be registered for a Doctorate or Equivalent at the time of application.

You are not eligible to apply for funding under this program.
Thanks so much for applying to Wenner-Gren. Please help us do a better job of selecting reviewers for your project by providing us with some information about yourself and your research interests. We’ll also be asking you for some confidential demographic information. This section, which is voluntary, will help us in our efforts to support anthropologists from diverse backgrounds and scholarly traditions. 

Applicant Contact Info

Please Enter Your Legal or Chosen Name

In order to approve your application for funding, U.S. law requires us to collect the following information.


Academic Background

Please tell us about your education and your current position.

If you are an independent scholar/researcher, this should be the country where you reside.


Supervisor Information

Initial Information

25 words or less (255 character maximum)

Please enter a whole number here without any commas or decimals: eg. 25000



Please keep response to 200 words (max 1500 characters)

Please keep response to 200 words (max 1500 characters)

Please keep response to 200 words (max 1500 characters)
Academic Collaborators. These are individuals responsible for carrying out a substantial portion of your proposed project.  They may have taken part in designing the project.  You may have plans to include them as co-authors when you write up the results of their work.  You may be working in partnership with another anthropologist, for instance, who is serving as your project’s co-principal investigator. 

Academic personnel. These are individuals responsible for carrying out crucial, yet limited portions of your proposed project.  You may be calling on the aid of an expert in a research approach or methodology that is key to your project's success.  Here, you should also list local research assistants working under your direction and others who may be helping with aspects of their research.

Funding and Grants

We encourage applicants to search widely for sources of support for their projects.  

please keep response to 200 words (max 1500 characters)

please keep response to 200 words (max 1500 characters)

please keep response to 200 words (max 1500 characters)

please keep response to 200 words (max 1500 characters)

please keep response to 200 words (max 1500 characters)
Please help us identify your project by subfield and research area.

Please indicate in your response to Project Description Question 5 how you or the museum have consulted tribes with a possible relationship to these remains or items and received their consent specifically for the proposed project.

Please keep response to 1000 words (max 7000 characters)
Longform Questions

Please keep response to 1000 words (max 7000 characters)

Please keep response to 1000 words (max 7000 characters)

Please keep response to 1000 words (max 7000 characters)

Please keep response to 1000 words (max 7000 characters)

Please keep response to 1000 words (max 7000 characters)

Please keep response to 500 words (max 3500 characters)

Please keep response to 500 words (max 3500 characters)

Personal Information (optional)

In an effort to promote greater equity in funding, we would like to collect some confidential demographic information about you. We will not be sharing your name, your institution, or any of these additional details with our reviewers. We will remove any identifiers and analyze this data in the aggregate. This section of the application is entirely optional. Your answers to these questions will have no bearing on the success of your application.

Please note:

When you click Submit, please wait until you receive confirmation of successful submission before you close this window.

Please upload your (bibliography, Plan A and Plan B budgets) here as PDFs with an individual file size maximum of 25 MB.

We have transitioned to double anonymous reviewing for some of our programs. Be sure not to include your name or any other identifying information on these documents.
Budget - Plan A (for "Best Case" Scenario)
A Wenner-Gren Application Budget Form must be completed as part of the official application. Download the "Project Budget Plan A form" to fill out, save and print to PDF format, then upload to complete this task.

Please note: the total amount of your request for your Plan A and B budgets must be the same. 

Budget - Plan B (for "Worst Case" Scenario)
A Wenner-Gren Budget Form must be completed as part of the official application. Download the "Project Budget Plan B form" to fill out, save and print to PDF format, then upload to complete this task.

Please note: the total amount of your request for your Plan A and B budgets must be the same.

Project bibliography
Ten pages maximum.

Optional URL for figures
Please provide a publicly accessibly link.
Add http://